Cita Iniciado por Luisinho Ver Mensaje
Pues a la diferencia de precio, hay que sumar cosas como las que he padecido en mi saab y en casi todos los diesel del mercado, Egr 200€, FAP 1000€, bimasa 1800€ y luego se leen cosas como que hay ciudades que están estudiando prohibir los diesel, Paris por ejemplo, al final me he decantado por el gasolina.
en todos?? no se quizas hayas tenido mala suerte , el mio con 11 años ni un solo problema de los mencionados. Por cierto en Paris tb "pretenden" prohibir los coches anteriores a 1996 ya sean diesel o gasolina .

France’s capital Paris has kept the front pages busy these days because of a series of disturbing stories. Anyway, without having anything to do with the shootings, here’s another puzzling piece of news: Anne Hidalgo, Paris’ Mayor is seeking to impose a ban for motorcycles manufactured before 2000, with other age-based vehicle restrictions envisioned as well.
Broken down into categories, the vehicles for which the intended ban represents a threat are as follows:

- Passenger cars registered before 31 December 1996 inclusive,
- Vans and light trucks by 30 September 1997,
- Coaches, buses and trucks by 30 September 2001 inclusive
- Two-wheeled motorized vehicles prior to 2000